Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spring Blizzard

So I was out test-riding my new ride (same bike: DJ drive, Cruzers & fuel processor added :D ) the other day, and decided to stop at Dairy Queen for my first spring Blizzard. It's not Ben & Jerry's, but I sure do like the one with Butterfinger. As I sat down to enjoy my treat I noticed a young couple seated nearby arguing. The guy was telling her "don't worry about it, I wouldn't have my job if a friend hadn't turned me on to it." She replied, "I was just trying to say thank you." "Well don't thank me. You're my girl, that's what I do. It's not like we're friends or business partners or something. So don't thank me, that's like an insult or something." As they walked out, seperately, I was thinking of the other conversation that might have transpired. "Bitch, you weren't even grateful…"

As I sat there looking out the window I had a perfect view of a synchronized driving exhibition about to take place in the parking lot. Our young lovers and a soccer mom were parked directly across from each other. As each prepared to leave at the same time, car 1, a young lady holding a cup of ice cream, exited the drive-thru and stopped right between the two vehicles that had started to back out. For what seemed like a long moment, she struggled with getting situated and how to hold her ice cream and drive at the same time, all the time oblivious to the back-up lights on each side of her. As she finally pulled away, car 2, our young lovers, backed out…and stopped…directly behind soccer mom who was now halfway out of her spot. Another moment passed as they just sat there, probably still arguing, but tinted windows concealed their drama. Finally they moved on, and soccer mom, with cell phone to her ear, shouting instructions to the kids in the back, finished backing out. As she neared the exit, car 4 appeared. Some young hot-shot, who apparently hadn't mastered the turning skill yet, missed his turn and ended up bumper to bumper with soccer mom and hanging out in the street. Car 5, approaching too quickly locked up his brakes and skidded to a stop just short of 4. Hmmm, guess not everyone has anti-lock brakes. I chuckled to myself, as the soccer mom, looking aggravated, finally put her phone down and worked on backing up to clear the jam.

As I continued with my Blizzard, my attention diverted to the front counter. Behind me I could hear a young girl defending herself against teenage "friendly fire." "Oh my god, quit blowing this up. All I said was she has a nice body. She does, it was just a compliment." "Ooh, Crystal has the hots for Karen!" "I do not!"

As I left a few thoughts crossed my mind. Sure is a good thing the earth keeps turning all on its own…, I sure do love ice cream.

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